01. The Problem
How do we discuss national pride for Vietnam as a foreign brand?
Normally a foreign brand would have no business talking about national pride but since Nescafe has been in the country a long time, and practically “grew up” with the country, they felt they had something to say. The client also required that we somehow leverage some landmarks that would be used on special promo gift cups and tumblers given out as part of a promotion.
02. The Idea
Rather than seem like we know the answer, why not first ask the question? What is love for Vietnam after all?
As this is a platform idea that will go into subsequent years, we wanted to first ask the question: what is love for Vietnam? How does one define it? Can we define it? Should we?
To help us answer this we embarked on a journey exploring and shooting a film that tried to capture the essence of Vietnam. Yes, we got some landmarks in there but as you can see it’s much more than that. The people, the vibrant nature, the food, everything around us. Maybe it’s not the answer that’s important since we all have different points of view. Maybe it’s the question that’s the most important of all.
04. Promotions
We did some additional promotion materials and mock ups of what some billboards might look like.
05. Results
By the end of the campaign we’d have achieved combined over 10M video views and thousands of comments and discussions on the topic. We ran out of promotional tumblers and glasses. Our ad rated among the top 10 most viewed Vietnamese ads on YouTube for 2016!